Kelli Folsom & Monte Thompson


Meet the Artist Series


                                 Kelli Folsom

“I believe in beauty. I hope that you see the beauty that I see and experience the excitement that I feel through every energetic brushstroke. I hope that my paintings open you up to a whole new appreciation for your world.” -Kelli Folsom

Kelli received a B.F.A. from Lyme Academy of Fine Arts in Old Lyme, CT, the first impressionist colony in the U.S. established in 1899. It is here that she studied traditional life drawing, painting and sculpture with great emphasis on in-depth study and classical techniques and the joy of working in a direct impressionist style in nature. Every still life arrangement is set up in her north light studio and painted directly from life in a matter of one or two sittings.

 She paints directly so that her relationship to the subject is heightened in the moment in order to pass on that perception and experience to the viewer resulting in a painting that looks like a painting and not a photograph. Kelli chooses objects and arrangements to create the most aesthetically beautiful design and a feeling of abundance and intimacy.  These arrangements are influenced by centuries of traditional still life painting from the Dutch Masters of the 1600s  to French Academics of the 1900s.

 Kelli is an award winning artist who at a young age is already exhibiting in museum shows and garnering attention and inclusion in some of the highest organizations in contemporary representational art like Oil Painters of America, American Women Artists, American Impressionists Society and Women Artists of the West.


              Kelli teaching and demonstrating at Genius Loci Umbria, Italy


          Monte teaching and demonstrating his techniques at Genius Loci Umbria

19260390_1554610484578793_2690772438302406210_n Monte Thompson

Monte’s artwork explores the beauty that surrounds us through visual simplicity, movement of light, and the tension of opposite but complementary qualities.

From his studio in Colorado, Monte works in the painting tradition of Caravaggio where he creates a harmony between chiaroscuro and modern concepts.  Through these concepts, he reinforces the intelligence that underlies all human endeavors.  With a bold and impassioned style, he creates the feeling of order and devotes himself to the greatest beauty in life.



Red on yellow, light on dark. Dark on light, yellow on red. These contrasts give drama and unity to the work. La bella figura!

“Apples in Red and Gold”

the two paintings above by Monte Thompson

Kelli and Monte met at art school and both fell in love with art making and each other…and later, with Italy. They conducted an exciting and successful Oil Painting Workshop in July of 2017 at the inspiring and stunningly located Inn –  Genius Loci Umbria  – and, by popular demand, are returning to Umbria to Genius Loci  in November 2018 for their 2nd Workshop during the riotously beautiful, peak foliage season.


                  the inspiring fall view from Genius Loci

They are a perfect teaching team as their styles support and complement one another.  Monte’s strong understanding of form, anatomy and spatial design is complemented by Kelli’s grasp of atmosphere, light and intuitive exploration.  His work is currently represented in Arts at Denver Gallery.

 Both Kelli and Monte are exhibiting members of Oil Painters of America.

Kelli Folsom and Monte Thompson are academically trained artists, working exclusively from life in oils. They create museum quality paintings combining an old master feel with rich color and painterly brushstrokes. Their work brings refined beauty of the highest quality that uplifts the soul and is held in the highest esteem by collectors.


                                                                                 painting by Kelli Folsom






above paintings by Kelli Folsom


                                   painting by Kelli Folsom

Rose Room 2

                                              inviting and comfortable guest rooms at Genius Loci Umbria

sagratino 2

                                                     spacious suite-like guest rooms at Genius Loci


relax in comfort and beauty at Genius Loci Umbria


               the gorgeous views from Genius Loci inspire painters




Won’t you join us for the exciting November 2018 Workshop at Genius Loci Umbria, Italy.  

Please click here below for more information.




Our Classic Doubles

The Classic Doubles are normally-sized, beautifully-appointed and furnished and feature lovely lateral views of the surrounding countryside.

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Our Deluxe Doubles

The Deluxe Doubles are extra-spacious, beautifully-appointed and furnished, suite-like rooms with magnificent, sweeping views and comfortable sitting areas.

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Our Apartment

This self-catering apartment is available with or without daily breakfast at the Inn and every-fourth-day housekeeping services.

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