Creating a New Life in Italy
How many Italy lovers have dreamed not just about visiting once or twice a year… but moving to Italy and creating a new life for themselves here? My guess is…a lot.
How many have had the courage and resolve to reinvent themselves to do so?
Not many!
How many have done it alone, counting only on themselves?
Even fewer!!
It is a daunting proposition to leave your comfort zone, the familiar, the habitual, the security of the known for that looming uncertainity of the unknown.
It can quickly become overwhelming – at times frightening – when you get to the nitty-gritty of the complicated logistics.
Sandra Cordon
Sandra went beyond that dreaming stage. She had the courage and resolve to make such a leap of faith last December, leaving Canada and the security of her successful career to follow her heart and move to Italy. While ideally she would have come to live in Umbria, she wisely relocated in Rome where her employment opportunites were greater. She is a free-lance writer for ANSA, a sought after off-the-beaten-track walking tours’ guide, a budding linguist who is making an admirable, supreme and successful effort to really learn Italian.
I met Sandra five years ago. Knowing she was in the area and wanting to meet her, I asked her to stop by Genius Loci one afternoon. At that time, she had just left a long career in journalism to try her hand at writing speeches for Canada’s central bank, the Bank of Canada. We had been virtual friends through our former blogs, sharing a passion for art history and Umbria.
Sandra had worked as a journalist all over Canada, including almost a decade covering federal government politics in the national capital of Ottawa. That had been a long-held dream and once achieved, she began turning to fulfilling other dreams, including completing her first novel, a work of historical fiction set in the Italian city of Perugia in the 16th century. She is now at work on a second novel, also set in Italy.
Over the years she has come often to Genius Loci, enjoying il Mercato delle Gaite Festival in Bevagna with us and with fellow guests and friends.
Learn more about this fascinating story of courage and resolve at her interesting and beautifully written blog:
Please check back for an interview with Sandra in my next post for some very interesting reflections on her adventure.